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Safety actions for the fire season

The information about multiple plans and brainstorming with the family about what to do in every instance that could occur

Great point about it being pitch black as the fire came through

The information on what should be included in your plan if deciding to stay or go

I got the most from Steve Pasco's presentation. It was realistic and practical. He described what did and didn't work in his experience through black Saturday. I loved his action plans and this stimulated discussion of what we can do to manage our safety this coming season

Tonight's was brilliant. So useful to realize about the emotional flight/fight/freeze component that can kick in and hinder clear thinking

Steve's personal story, sharing warts-and-all experience about what worked, didn't work, etc was very powerful. The third presenter's dot-points about planning were strong and effective

I felt empowered to start writing a plan and considered various combinations of options that might occur. Before this webinar (and the recent ones I watched) my plan wouldn't have been as detailed

Practising the fire plan, and asking the question ’what if I cannot do that’, what will be my options?

Thank you to all involved with providing these excellent informative sessions. You are to be commended on putting this in the public domain as a vital kit of knowledge for people’s safety

The best Information so far

The "what if" situations which could bring the best made plans undone and the need for a "back-up" plan. The importance of including everyone with a job to do in the fire plan

Links between emotions, fear and stress especially leading to poor decision making and very slow planning and actions. Hence need for plan of action in advance of fires

The practical experiences shared by Steve helped to put the risks of bushfire into perspective and highlight the questions we need to consider

Information provided by the other presenters was equally practical and helpful.

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2023 Webinar 5

7:30-9:00pm AEDT Wed 4 October
  • Craig Lapsley, Innovation Pro Pty Ltd
  • Jamie Mackenzie, Red Flag - Real Time Leadership Solutions
  • Steve Pascoe, Resident, Strathewen Victoria
Webinar Summary

The webinar Chair discussed the importance of bushfire plans and checklists, highlighting the distinction between preparation plans and fire event plans. He emphasized the significance of having a written and practised plan for both leaving and staying with the property during a bushfire.

Steve Pascoe, a community-centered bushfire safety educator, shared his personal experience of staying to defend his home during the Black Saturday bushfires. He stressed the criticality of planning and preparing, stating that catastrophic bushfire days are extreme risks to both houses and lives. Steve discussed the necessity of proactive preparation before the fire day, emphasizing that waiting until the last minute to decide is not a viable option. He provides insights into considerations for planning to stay with a property during a bushfire, including ensuring the home is capable of being used as a bushfire shelter and having contingency plans in place.He concluded by presenting a simplified structure for a stay-with-property plan, advocating for clarity, simplicity, and visibility of the plan within the household. Despite the challenges and risks involved, Steve expresses a sense of satisfaction and readiness to stay derived from having a well-prepared plan.

Jamie delved into the complexity of decision-making in the face of bushfire risk, emphasizing the need for personalized planning and preparation. It touches on various factors affecting decision-making, including human factors, emotional responses, and the role of experience. The importance of contingency planning, trigger points and involving family members in the planning process was highlighted. Stress management strategies, such as developing trigger scripts were discussed, along with the necessity of realistic response actions. Overall, the text underscored the critical role of preparation and proactive decision-making in mitigating the risks associated with bushfires.

Craig's presentation emphasized the importance of planning, preparing, and practising for emergency situations, particularly bushfires. He highlighted the significance of understanding team dynamics within families and communities, stressing the need to involve everyone in the planning process, including considering the capabilities of different individuals. Craig emphasized the importance of practising the plan under various conditions, including at different times of day and night and for different scenarios. He discusses monitoring fire danger ratings, understanding weather conditions, emphasizing the critical role of timely and accurate information in making decisions. He also touched on the importance of physical preparedness, hydration, access and egress routes, and staying connected to reliable information sources. He encouraged proactive decision-making and preparedness, urging individuals to prioritize safety and have contingency plans in place. Craig concludes by emphasizing the importance of the "6 Ps": be prepared, have a plan, be perceptive, prioritize people and pets, gather personal items and identification, and ensure adequate packing and preparation. Overall, Craig's message underscores the importance of taking emergency preparedness seriously, as lives may depend on it.

More summary
Key Segments

Presentation 1 - Steve Pascoe

Presentation 2 - Jamie Mackenzie

Presentation 3 - Craig Lapsley

Q & A Session

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