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Reducing risks for people and houses

Justin’s presentations regarding preparation of our houses and then of us as people were so easy to understand and write notes about implementation. We are so privileged to have him in our homes via BRI webinars each year

All of it! Madly scribbling away to take it in by hearing and by writing. Such interesting information tips and ideas etc really comprehensive. Best I’ve seen anywhere

Justin's handling of all questions was spot-on. He's knowledgeable, speaks slowly and precisely with non-dramatic tones even when supplying what could be worrying information. So, you really hear him

Building standards do not address structural damage due to high winds possibly causing ember entry points during a fire

The Q & A sessions were excellent and most informative

Justin setting the scene where you are at home when your house is impacted, it starts burning, to live you have to get out. Having determined and planned for a safer route avoiding burning deck, stairs and vegetation in the dark to get to a place to shelter

The step by step process for using a car as a last resort option

It is presentations like last night which provide new and alternative ideas and actions

Best way to store gas bottles

Justin's description of why a car is a safer escape bet than some other options dispelled my assumptions that a car would just explode instantly on fire engagement. As I'm unable to walk properly my car is very much part of my survival plan

Expect the unexpected, prepare, prepare, prepare, plan, plan, plan, act, act, act

Protecting persons from radiant heat, toxic smoke, superheated air. Monitoring your home, vehicle etc while fire front passes!

I can't identify a single item as most informative as the entire presentation was informative and offered 'practical' suggestions.

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2023 Webinar 3

7.30-9.00pm AEST Thu 31 August
  • Dr Justin Leonard, CSIRO
Webinar Summary

Justin discussed the influence of weather patterns like La Nina and El Nino on fire conditions, emphasizing the increasing likelihood of severe events due to climate change. He highlighted the need for proactive measures to reduce house vulnerability, including understanding building regulations, addressing vegetation risks, and implementing effective house design and landscaping strategies. He also emphasized the importance of active monitoring and sheltering strategies for individuals during a fire event, including planning multiple exit routes and preparing personal protective gear and supplies. Justin's presentation aimed to provide practical insights and resources for mitigating risks and increasing survival chances during bushfire seasons.

More summary
Key Segments

Presentation 1 - Reducing risks for houses

Presentation 2 - Reducing risks for people

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