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Getting ready for an El Niño summer

The use of the P-CEP program to reinforce the concept that each of us has a role to play in disaster preparation

The need for a fire plan to be produced in collaboration with family, friends and neighbours

Craig Lapsley and Malcolm Hackett spoke about practical considerations for making a bushfire plan, including walking around and practising at night to simulate smoky conditions

The importance of practising the plan under "realistic" conditions, e.g. practise in the dark to simulate smoke

Person Centred Emergency Preparedness Toolkit. Love the focus on vulnerable community members

This is my first year living in Australia and in a bushfire prone zone, so every part of today's webinar was very important for me

Emergency preparedness is a process, not a one-time event

I'm excited to try the conversations out with family who now live with me since being made homeless by the Lismore floods

P-CEP - I have a disability so this was extremely relevant to me

We were convinced about the need to update our existing plan ASAP. Also to walk it through to ensure that it is doable

Genuinely empathetic presentations and really useful beyond-the-obvious advice

I appreciated the very practical advice, as well as the people centred focus on working to motivate people

All of it! But the P-CEP presentation was the highlight

First time participant. Found presentations current, timely and informative. Will now look at website in greater detail to develop resilience plans for myself and older family members who live alone

The session delivered by Parvathi. These people are the most vulnerable in our community and the P-CEP tool gives them a voice in their own emergency management

The information around personal preparation and knowing your limitations was very good. It didn't just highlight the problems you may face, it also presented possible solutions that we could use, based on our community and neighbours.

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2023 Webinar 2

7.30-9.00pm AEST Tue 22 August

  • Craig Lapsley, Innovation Pro Pty Ltd
  • Parvathi Subramaniam, The University of Sydney
  • Dr Danielle Clode, Flinders University
Webinar Summary

Bushfire safety planning involves practical steps individuals, families, and communities can take to improve their safety in the event of a bushfire. It emphasizes the importance of realistic assessments of capabilities, capacities, and assets, both individually and collectively. Planning encompasses various aspects such as understanding one's environment, assessing household assets, preparing vehicles for evacuation, and bushfire preparation for holiday homes and businesses. Insurance plays a crucial role in providing financial resilience during emergencies. Actions include building comprehensive plans, engaging with neighbors and the community, and considering special needs, including those related to mobility and animals. The "6 P's" - people and pets, papers, pictures, phones, prescriptions, and personal devices - are essential elements to include in any emergency plan. Regular review and discussion of plans with others are emphasized to ensure preparedness and resilience.

Person-centered emergency preparedness (P-CEP) is an approach to emergency planning that tailors plans to individual needs and capabilities, with a focus on inclusivity. It involves three components: a capability wheel for self-assessment, three guiding principles, and four steps for creating a tailored plan. The capability wheel covers eight areas of consideration, including living situations, assistance animals, communication, personal support, health management, assistive technology, transport, and social connectedness. P-CEP encourages starting with everyday strengths and support needs, connecting with emergency information and resources, brainstorming emergency plans based on individual circumstances, and communicating the plan with others. Resources for learning more about P-CEP include workbooks, online courses, and educational materials available through collaborating organizations.

More summary
Key Segments

Presentation 1

Presentation 2

Panel Session

Q&A Session

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