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Why get kids involved in the family bushfire plan

Essential viewing for families in bushfire prone areas

I really loved the information about starting with curious questions to gauge where my child is at. My son has high functioning ASD and I always worried about what to tell him. Now I understand to let him tell me what he needs to know

I also valued the thought to keep attachment at the forefront, if I keep reminding him throughout that we do any of this as a family, I think he will feel safe while talking about such a worrying subject

This stuff is probably really basic info that I should just know but hearing like this just makes sense

We underestimate what involvement children in households have when it comes to preparing for emergencies, not just bushfire but any high stress situations

How to have conversations with kids about a bushfire plan

How important preparation is, it really is!

Including children in the bushfire plan helps them to confront their fears. Research shows their safety is undermined when they’re not part of the plan

Getting kids involved in the family bushfire plan is beneficial for the child and the family. Kids make a valuable contribution

Realize the effect traumas have on children and how they are effected and talking and planning before the event is most important

Seeing scenarios from a child's perspective is thought provoking

The importance of involving children, even very young, in preparing a bushfire plan and making them responsible for caring out some part of it

Kids are smarter than you think

Understanding that children are able to be involved in major decisions and actions that are appropriate to their development without compromising their well being

More comments from viewers

2022 Webinar 4

7:30pm-9:00pm AEST Wednesday 7 September

Expert presenters describe why and how to get your kids involved in bushfire preparations

  • Michelle Roberts, Australian National University
  • Dr Rob Gordon OAM, Clinical Psychologist
  • Dr Briony Towers, Co-director, LEADRRR
  • Jane Hayward AM PSM, Principal Strathewen Primary School
Key Segments

Presentation 1

Presentation 2

Panel Session

Q&A Session


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