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Your last resort options

The idea of being caught in a bushfire terrifies me but with every webinar I watch I feel more confident and my plan is evolving. I feel much more confident about what to do as a last resort now especially since it’s the chosen option from experts and people who have experienced it

The clear explanation of why people die in a bushfire from Jim McLennan and where they die from Justin Leonard, and what you can do to prevent that outcome

Very detailed explanations of how and why people die in severe bushfires. Confronting and rarely explained in such detail, but potentially life-saving information that allows people to make better decisions if caught in a bad situation

Really good and all speakers were to the point!! All straight forward information without any "hype or equivocation”. Too many advisers these days are afraid to state the facts and waffle around with politics and "popularism"

Comparison of bunkers above / below ground i.e. 'above' difficult to control temperature - 'below' difficult to control humidity

How good protection can be offered by car in case of last resort

Best practice for bunker strategy: pre-entry, entry and exit

So much solid information and facts. Very knowledgeable presenters and explained all of the information extremely well

Very helpful information regarding last resort strategies, especially cars, distance required from fire and vegetation

How stress responses may seriously affect behaviour and need for rehearsal of any plans

Need to have multiple plans to cover various scenarios

Practise till it is ingrained in brain and doesn't need thinking in panic mode

Justin's account of the research about sheltering in a confined space with limited air supply, especially the negative effects of increased humidity on the body's ability to cool via evaporation of sweat

The facts on how you can get harmed. Prior to this I didn't understand why people didn't survive when they stayed at home.

More comments from viewers

2022 Webinar 3

7:30pm-9:00pm AEDT Wednesday 5 October

Even the best laid plans sometimes don’t work out. What are your survival options if this happens to you?

  • Dr Justin Leonard, CSIRO
  • Dr Jim McLennan, La Trobe University
  • Dr Rob Gordon OAM, Clinical Psychologist
Key Segments

Presentation 1

Presentation 2

Panel Session

Q&A Session

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