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Your vegetation – what you need to know

The session last night explained not only the steps a land owner can take to reduce bushfire impact to their house and property, but importantly the detailed reasons why these steps are beneficial in mitigating the bushfire impact

I am so grateful that everyone of you working on this webinar series are dedicated to educate others (me included) in this lifesaving and asset saving information. Thank you

Both Kevin and Justin were terrific presenters once again. I really got a lot out of Justin's myth-busting and also the diagram (especially) of Kevin's fuel examples. Easy to understand

The mechanics of how fires spread. The knowledge that 90% of homes lost to bushfires did not experience fire fronts. So this means there is a lot that can be done to vegetation surrounding the house to mitigate damage from embers

Information about what the Surf Coast shire council actually do for their residents - AMAZING!

Houses many hundreds of metres from where you would say is a defined bushfire prone area are certainly at risk because of ember and surface fire actions

The lee side of the house is the more vulnerable than the side of the house facing the wind

It is really important to know that good garden design and good maintenance can reduce bushfire risk.

The vertical conductivity of tall trees & the removal of lower branches & litter at their base to reduce the potential of canopy fires

The importance of clearance around homes and how woody mulch (which I love and have lots of) is very bad

How to interrupt the continuity of the vegetation and reduce the risk of fire spreading

As someone who for many years has worked in Community Engagement both prior to, and since retiring from CFA, I found it a fantastic way to reinforce my knowledge in this field

I was particularly interested in the publications you can download to read more about suitable planting/landscape ideas

Any fuel within 2m of your property could be a threat to the integrity of your property

Crushing and smelling leaves to get an idea of their flammability

More comments from viewers

2022 Webinar 2

7:30pm-9:00pm AEST Wednesday 10 August

Learn about landscaping and how the selection and placement of vegetation can make a difference

  • Dr Kevin Tolhurst AM, University of Melbourne
  • Dr Justin Leonard, CSIRO
  • Dr Peter Ashton, DELWP
  • Nick Guyett, Surf Coast Shire
Key Segments

Presentation 1

Presentation 2

Panel Session

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