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Triggers to take action

Kevin Tolhurst's presentation was excellent. I think the Triggers webinar really drilled down into what is the crux of all we've been learning along the way. What we do and how we do it when the threat is real

The speed of the bushfire's advance plotted against the fire severity rating jolted me

The personal fire stories of the convener and the other panel members

Trigger to leave should be based on one's interpretation of such factors as weather, landscape, fire behavior, personal circumstances etc

Brilliant presentation

The triggers to leave and to be ready to drive away two hours before a fire is expected. The FDI and how it relates to 30km watch zone was great

Malcolm’s introduction on triggers and his personal experience

Kevin Tolhurst's presentation was excellent. I think the Triggers webinar really drilled down into what is the crux of all we've been learning along the way. What we do and how we do it when the threat is real

The need to review our triggers and subsequent action plans. Update our fire plans

Realistic evidence-based throughout. Unpredictability of events demands a number of options

Need to get better local info on a fire day. Be independent and plan and practice

The need to plan for multiple scenarios, the likelihood that household members may disagree on a course of action when faced with a real emergency

The decision you make on the day may not be what you planned for various reasons, direction of wind, fatigue, stress

Malcolm and Danielle were very relatable because they had real life experience

Kevin Tolhurst's presentation can't be faulted. It was excellent

The panel discussion after the webinar was also very good

The concept of triggers to leave early and the need for multiple plans and options for different scenarios

More comments from viewers

2021 Series Webinar 4

7.30pm Wednesday 1 September 2021

An expert panel of presenters provide vital information to help you make informed decisions about triggers to take action in the coming fire season.

  • Dr Kevin Tolhurst AM, University of Melbourne
  • Dr Katharine Haynes, Macquarie University
  • Dr Danielle Clode, Flinders University
  • Dr Raphaele Blanchi, CSIRO
Key Segments


Panel Session

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