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Your physical and emotional preparation

Whole new way of thinking about emotional preparedness. Particularly the idea that repeating scenarios until they become automatic will help rationale brain stay in control

Danielle and Robs information on brain and psychological preparedness was brilliant

It was all brilliant. The Q&A at the end was probably the highlight

How people react when they are not mentally prepared. I experienced this first hand after the recent storms in the Dandenongs. I was running around trying to do ten things at once and achieving nothing

The three experts delivered the information in an engaging way that was relatable and understandable

As a Recovery Project Officer working in a fire impacted community I was pleased this often overlooked important aspect of preparedness was presented so well

Even planning to leave early needs preparation psychologically

As always, the presenters have been professional and knowledgeable, but it’s even more relatable when they have real life examples to discuss

Importance of practise and routine and checklists. Hints like laminated instructions etc were all useful

The importance of discussing and agreeing on a bushfire survival plan and preparing and practising it

Excellent advice about running through plans many, many times so it becomes second nature

Danielle’s presentation provided very important new insights. Consolidated by the stories and experience of the panel, clearly spoken and comprehensible

Have not given the emotional side of a bushfire one ounce of thought

Rob Gordon's clear, useful and practical suggestions of ways to emotionally prepare for a fire

The 3 things that people die from in a fire situation

Pre-mortem planning - what could go wrong and how to prevent that

Don't rely on the authorities or official advice to save you from bushfires - gather as much knowledge as possible

Each individual to make their own decision and not to sit and wait for the red fire truck to arrive or to be told when to leave!

More comments from viewers

2021 Series Webinar 3

7.30pm Thursday 19 August 2021

An expert panel of presenters provide vital information on how to look after yourself, family and friends in the event of bushfire.

  • Dr Danielle Clode, Flinders University
  • Dr Rob Gordon OAM
  • Dr Jim McLennan
Key Segments


Panel Session

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