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Getting your insurance right

All the things you need to consider when insuring your home adequately

I really need to check and understand my insurance

Look! See all the things you’ve done, take photos, list stuff, plan a rebuild suitable to your needs even before an event. Ask your insurer the many questions, get an on-site review

The insidious impact of under-insurance in the context of rising fire risk and stricter rebuilding regulation

I need to review my policy in great detail and call my insurer

Need for annual review of house insurance, seek clarity if not understanding information on policy PDS. Shop around as companies do not necessarily reward loyalty

To remember to not just insure the house, to also insure sheds, fences, water tanks, etc

I need to review my insurance!

The pros and cons of the different insurance types

Micro checking of policy is essential with clarification of all issues with insurer

Talk to the insurance company with any concerns or queries, and check the calculator

To talk to my insurer in detail about our policy & what it covers

Photograph your home and contents for easier claims

To think in terms of total loss - and all the components that may entail

My knowledge of Insurance needs for my house and property needs more time and attention

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2020 Series Webinar 3

7.30pm Tuesday 10 November 2020
  • Denis Nelthorpe, Consumer Lawyer
  • Clare Cordingley, Insurance Council
  • Helda Sidaoui, Suncorp
  • Georgina Dircks, IAG
Key Segments

Panel Session

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