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Presenters 2024

Annabelle Butler

Hollard Insurance Australia

Annabelle is passionate about financial inclusivity and access for all parts of our community. She has spent a large part of her career working with a focus on improving outcomes for general insurance consumers

Peter Gartlan

Financial Counselling Australia

Peter is co-CEO of Financial Counselling Australia. Previously Peter was FCA’s national coordinator in disaster recovery, resourcing financial counsellors and agencies to support survivors. He held this role since the 2019/20 black summer fires.

Malcolm Hackett OAM

BRI Chair

A retired school principal now a farmer, whose property was destroyed on Black Saturday learned on the job about community and personal recovery after bushfire. He is BRI Chair and a Disaster Recovery Mentor.

Kevin Hazell

Town Planner

Kevin is a town planner who specialises in land use planning responses to bushfire. He works with state and local governments to ensure bushfire risk management is embedded in policy and strategic planning proposals

Mark Holland

Country Fire Authority

Mark’s 20 year career with CFA has concentrated on buildings in high bushfire risk areas. He manages CFA’s land use planning team with a focus on strategic land use planning and planning permit referrals

Sharon Keith

Disaster Legal Help Victoria

Sharon is the Program Manager of Disaster Legal Help Victoria, a statewide legal partnership which connects people with support for their legal problems and improves their access to justice in preparation for, and after disaster

Dr Justin Leonard


Justin Leonard has dedicated his 27-year research career to the understanding of how bushfire risk to life and infrastructure can be managed. This research combines learnings from bushfire exposure experiments with post bushfire survey investigations and computer modelling of bushfire interactions with buildings.

Denis Nelthorpe AM

Consumer Lawyer

A consumer lawyer, Denis has been involved with insurance issues for 20 years and provided advice to residents after the 2009 bushfires. He was a consumer Board member of the insurance Complaints Scheme (AFCA) and the oversight body for the General Insurance Code of Practice.

Kevin Parkyn

Bureau of Meteorology

A meteorologist with the Bureau of Meteorology, Kevin’s expertise is in forecasting and communicating the risk of severe weather and fire weather events. He has been Victoria’s Emergency Services embedded meteorologist for the last 14 years.

Mika Peace

Bureau of Meteorology

Mika runs high-resolution coupled fire-atmosphere simulations using the ACCESS-Fire model to understand fire and atmosphere interactions. During extreme fire events, Mika takes an operational role with fire agencies predicting fire meteorology and likely fire behaviour.

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