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Presenters 2020

Renae Ahern

Nillumbik Shire Council

Manager Planning Services, Planning Services

Julie Bowyer

Her long career as a photojournalist provided communication skills that, in her new role as the Statutory Recovery Planner, have proved invaluable working alongside the community impacted by the 2019 Bunyip Complex Bushfires. Julie is currently doing her Masters with a focus on Bushfire Planning

Peter Collina

A registered building surveyor and domestic builder, Peter provides building advice to councils and residents rebuilding after a bushfire. Experience from Black Saturday 2009 and Wye River 2015 has enabled him to identify potential problems with rebuilds and also provide valuable advice on retrofitting existing buildings.

Clare Cordingley

Clare has served in a range of public-focused roles since she joined the ICA in 2012. In her role as Operations Manager she oversees all catastrophe response activity, liaises with local government regarding flood data Australia wide, and coordinates community engagement between the industry and consumers.

Georgina Dircks

IAG - Australian Insurance Group (NRMA, CGU, Swann, Wesfarmers, SGIO, SCIC)

Georgina has worked in insurance for 15 years and is currently a Home Insurance Specialist at IAG. She has a particular interest in underinsurance, why it happens and how it impacts people following a natural disaster.

John Ginivan

Strategic Planner

An experienced strategic planner John has held executive positions that resulted in the development of strategic policy, statutory approvals and environmental impact assessments. He provides an innovative approach for owners rebuilding after a bushfire taking into account the site of a house, concept planning, energy efficiency, liveability and ongoing resilience.

Malcolm Hackett OAM

Valley Community Financial Services

Chair of the Board that operates five local Bendigo Bank Community Bank Branches. Following the 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires Malcolm was Chair of the Strathewen Community Renewal Association. He has personal knowledge of property loss and the painful insurance, planning and rebuilding journey.

Kevin Hazell

Director, Bushfire Planning (land use planning consultant)

Bushfire Planning is a town planning service that works with public and private sector clients to understand and apply planning scheme bushfire policies and requirements. Kevin Hazell is a qualified town planner with extensive experience working on bushfire planning at State and local levels in Victoria.

Mark Holland

Country Fire Authority

Mark’s primary focus is on building in high bushfire risk areas. This includes working with State Government to develop policy, research and assessing planning permit applications for properties with a Bushfire Management Overlay

Dr Justin Leonard


Justin Leonard has dedicated his 26-year research career to the understanding of how bushfire risk to life and infrastructure can be managed. This research combines learnings from bushfire exposure experiments with post bushfire survey investigations and computer modelling of bushfire interactions with buildings.

Denis Nelthorpe AM

Victoria University Law School

A consumer lawyer, Denis has been involved with insurance issues for 20 years and provided advice to residents after the 2009 bushfires. He was a consumer Board member of the insurance Complaints Scheme (AFCA) and the oversight body for the General Insurance Code of Practice.

Helda Sidaoui

My role involves managing regulatory change and Suncorp’s General Insurance Code of Practice. My passion and focus has been devoted to the development of training and policies to enable our people to help vulnerable customers and those subject to family violence and financial hardship.

Dr Kevin Tolhurst AM

The University of Melbourne

In 1984 Kevin embarked on a career in bushfire science covering fire ecology, fire weather and fire behaviour. Kevin has applied his knowledge and interest to teaching, research, land management and community engagement. He has provided expert advice to various inquiries and fire and land management agencies.

Our tribute to Kevin

Michael Vermeulen

Country Fire Authority

A Community Engagement Facilitator, Michael will present CFA’s new Fire Safety Essentials Package.

Rosa Zouzoulas

Nillumbik Shire Council

Executive Manager Planning & Community Safety, Planning and Community Safety

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