In 1984 Kevin embarked on a career in bushfire science covering fire ecology, fire weather and fire behaviour. Kevin has applied his knowledge and interest to teaching, research, land management and community engagement. He has provided expert advice to various inquiries and fire and land management agencies.

Katharine has conducted a number of post-fire investigations involving in-depth interviews with residents following the 2009 Black Saturday and the 2019-2020 Black Summer fires. She has a special interest in participatory and action research as a means for understanding and enhancing community-based adaptation and risk reduction.

Associate Professor Danielle Clode is a psychologist, biologist and author of a major review of psychological preparedness and A Future in Flames on Australia’s bushfire history. She has lived in fire-prone areas of South Australia and Victoria, and defended her home in the recent Cherry Gardens fire.

Raphaele leads CSIRO’s bushfire adaptation team. Her principal interest is understanding and reducing the risk of bushfires to communities and infrastructure. She has been involved in post major bushfire survey data collection and analysis, and led the investigation into the circumstances and challenges experienced by residents when sheltering during the Black Saturday bushfires.